4 months later…

And we’re all still here and alive. Possibly even thriving depending on the day of the week!

I’ll have updates on their weights and all tomorrow after their appointments, but let’s just say they’re getting HUGE! Or at least they are to me. To anyone else, they seem so tiny for 4 month olds (especially when you consider some babies are born at 10 pounds), but they’re almost 3 times their birth weight which is crazy in my mind.

They’ve sure come a long way. They smile, coo, and even laugh sometimes now. They used to roll over but I think they’ve gotten too fat and can’t figure out how to maneuver the new body weight. 🙂 They’ve even started sleeping better. We put them to bed around 11 last night, and the first to wake was Jacen at 7 am. It would have been a great nights sleep if Aiden hadn’t come in with a nightmare!

We’re starting to get excited for all the holidays coming up. Aiden doesn’t understand why we can’t carve pumpkins and go trick or treating on a daily basis. He doesn’t understand why if there’s Christmas stuff at the store that Santa’s not here yet. Daily he reminds me that “Santa’s coming soon!” and that it’s “Almost Halloween!” in the same sentence.

We’re all settling in well here, though. School’s going well for all of us, and we’re really enjoying the area. I’ll try to post some more pics soon!

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