For the first time for the last time

Today I walked out of Madigan’s doors. For the last time. Ever. It was bittersweet. The nurses and staff were amazing there – I couldn’t have asked for better treatment, and they even made the stay semi-enjoyable (or as enjoyable as modified hospital bedrest can be!).

In memory of the stay, a few pictures from then and now…

2 thoughts on “For the first time for the last time

  1. I love seeing these pictures of the babies, and Aiden. It’s a great way to share their growth and progress with those of us who are far away. Hopefully, Nana and I will get to California this winter to see everyone in person. Love, Aunt Judy

    1. thank u so much for sharing all the wonderful pics, and the awesome comments to our staff @ Madigan,,We will miss u guys and wish u the best in CA..god, nurse Paula

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