… Was the day you learned the benefits of sisters. You already knew how to get Jaina to do chores for you, but today you learned she could do your homework too.
“Jaina, draw this for me,” you said.
“OK!” she said.
After 2 years of having multiples + an older brother, there are some things you’d think I’d know by now. Apparently not.
1) Always check the coffee cup before you refill it. Otherwise you’ll have beautiful glorious coffee with cereal floating in it. Then you have to make the choice of which is more important : the time it would take to brew more, or the possibility of your cereal tasting like peanut butter Puffins.
2) When you find a giant ball of yarn with a 1/10th finished blanket still on the needles, tying it off and giving the 1 foot wide blanket strip to your middle triplet is not smart. She will love it. And the other two will wonder where theirs is. Leading to you now knitting a second blanket (and more than likely a third so they all look the same).
3) It’s not worth the fight with boy triplet over whether or not boys wear bows in their hair. Inside the house, whatever it takes to keep the screaming to a minimum works. We’ll deal with the rest when we try to leave.
…. to be continued….
Okay, so Facebook has me thinking lately. We all use it. We all spend way too much time on it, when we could be, I don’t know, cleaning/playing/cooking/sleeping/reading/sunning/______(insert anything else remotely more productive than snooping on your friends’ and acquaintances’ and not-so-friends’ lives).
But there are some things that just shouldn’t be done. We all know that you can block people. And defriend them. And if it goes over a line, you can report them. But in the grand scheme of things, why in the world would you….
* Post a minutely update on your life. I’m glad you just showered. I’m glad you’re now out of the shower. I’m even more glad that you put clothes on after getting out of the shower before answering the door. That’s wonderful. But it’s not necessary to post minute by minute updates of your daily activities.
* Posting lovingly about your spouse and how they went above and beyond doing the dishes, helping with the laundry, and cooking dinner. Daily. I’m sorry, but if they do something extraordinary, that’s cool. But posting daily/weekly about how many wonderful excellent things that your spouse or significant other has done gets tiring. And it gets AWish. I get it. They’re amazing. Humble bragging about doing your job as a parent/spouse is just annoying.
Oh em gee, my hubby is the sweetest. He sat there and changed a baby’s diaper, put his clothes in the laundry so I could wash them later, and while I was miserable with the flu set the table so I could finish hand prepping a three course meal. And let’s not forget he took child #3 to baseball so I didn’t have to take the other 10. What a guy!!!
* Pinterest-worthy creations every 10 minutes of the day. I’ll be the first to brag if I actually manage to accomplish a sweetheart covered door wreath for Valentines, or when I finally complete my faux-chenille baby blanket that I’ve been wanting to make. But all day every day posting creations you’ve made and copied that make you look like such a better mother/wife/friend? Overboard. The person who you made it for will probably enjoy it more if it’s a simple gift with no praise required, than if you post it all over the internet about how amazing you were.
* Duck Lips. One is funny. Two, eh. Multiple duck lips profile pictures changing daily? Too much.
* Hash tags. I’m sorry. I don’t get it. I understand it’s an instagram thing. Maybe a #atthebeach and maybe a #sweetkids but not
#suchsweetchildren #atthebeach #inthesand #bikinisforlyfe #sunandsand #toomanywordsinthisoneicantfigureitout #whydoesntthisletmeusepunctuation
In the brilliant words of an online meme:
And on that note? Not every meme created needs to be shared. And they definitely don’t need to be shared multiple times plus sent to individuals’ walls. I’ll be the first to admit I’m guilty of reposting more than my fair share, but I promise I’m working on it.
What bugs you???