Wow, I’m sorry for how long it’s been since I last posted! As you can imagine, the days go fast around here!
Can you believe the babies are 2.5 months old? They are starting to get interactive, which makes it much more fun around here! They are starting to smile (though not on cue, and if I pull out the camera they give me a look that says, “Mom, if I could roll my eyes at you I would!”)
This past weekend, we went to Disney. Yes. We braved Disneyland with a 3.5 year old and 2 month old triplets. Are we crazy? Quite possibly! But it was a lot of fun, and completely worth it to visit with our family who we haven’t seen in almost a year (Steven hadn’t even met his niece yet, so that was well worth any exhaustion!)
An assortment of pictures from the last month follows… enjoy!
Remember the first pic of me holding all 3? Yeah, doesn’t work so well now! Also here, we have our preschooler on his way to school for the first day! We’re blessed with being able to walk him to and from school, which makes my life MUCH easier and allows him to actually go!
Then, there are the Disney pictures. Aiden and his cousin Xavier had a blast, though some of the rides were “Scary” (namely the ones that went into dark tunnels or went too fast). Aiden’s favorite ride was StarTours (the Star Wars ride)… go figure! As such, “he” bought his brother and sisters Potato Heads from there, and each baby got assigned one – Val got Yoda, Jaina got Chewie, and Jacen got C3PO. Don’t dare try to mix them up!
At the bottom we have Jaina showing off her mad push-up skills, and Jacen in the background totally bored with the whole concept. I thought I’d throw in a pic of him in the same outfit he wore 2 months ago on the 4th of July…
Well, I hope you enjoyed, and I’ll work on updating more often!